Answer | The McAfee® Secure Home Internet (SHI) app provides security tips to help increase the security of a McAfee® Secure Home Platform (SHP) enabled network. SHP scores the security of the network, and displays a badge on the SHI app home screen with color codes depicting the score. Red means the network is insecure, yellow means the network is partially secure, and green means the network is secure. Each tip will also show how much your score will increase when performing that tip. As each security tip is completed, the security score will increase, and the badge will change from red to yellow to green. This document provides information on how to use the Security Tips to increase the security of the network.
Security Score Descriptions Viewing Security Tips
Security Score Descriptions
When the SHI app is first set up, the security score will be indicated by a red badge as shown in the image below. As each security tip is performed, the security score will increase, turning the badge to yellow, then green. Below are descriptions of the security scores:
- Red - "Watch out, your Internet isn't secure.": Devices have not been identified, and Kid Profiles have not been set up for Parental Controls. When more devices are connected, but not identified, the security score will be reduced, and the badge may revert back to red.
- Yellow - "Careful, your Internet could be more secure.": Some setup has been performed, such as identified devices, and Kid Profiles set up, but no rules have been set or devices have not been associated with Kid Profiles. If multiple devices are connected, identifying only some of the devices may result in a yellow score, but not allow a green score.
- Green - "All good! Your Internet is secure.": Security tips have been performed, and SHP is providing protection for the network.

Viewing Security Tips
- Tap the McAfee® SHI icon to launch the app. The Home screen will appear.
- On the Home screen, tap on View Details. The Security Tips screen will appear.
 - Tap on the Got it button or swipe left to view additional security tips. Each tip includes a button to perform that tip.
NOTE: The tips and badge color shown will vary depending on the setup steps taken. Some of the tips that may be shown include:
- Look around! Gives quick information on how to view additional tips. Tap on the Got it button to clear the message and view additional tips.
 - Who's Who? Provides opportunity to identify devices connected to the network. Tap on the Identify Now button to be taken to the Devices screen to identify the new devices.
 - Parental Controls Directs to setup Parental Controls, including Web Time and associating devices with a Kid Profile. Tap on the Set Up button to be taken to the Kid Profiles screen to setup parental controls.

- Once all the security tips have been addressed, the user will be presented with the message "All done, rockstar!" Tap on the X to close the Security tips screen.
