Consumers - SBG6700-AC (v8.6.x): Port Forwarding Setup

ARRIS Consumer Care


SBG6700-AC (v8.6.x): Port Forwarding Setup

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How do I configure port forwarding on my SBG6700-AC gateway?
Port Forwarding allows the option to run a publicly accessible server on the LAN by specifying the mapping of TCP / UDP ports to a local device.  This enables incoming requests on specific port numbers to reach devices such as Web Servers, Mail Servers, and Digital Video Recorders (DVR).  Some services are predefined under the Commonly Forwarded Ports or be manually configured through the entry.  This document contains the following sections: NOTE 1: It is recommended to manually configure the TCP / IP settings on the server that will be remotely accessible.  If this is done, then it is mandatory to configure the following settings:
  • IP address
  • Subnet mask
  • Default gateway
  • At least one DNS address
If the following settings are configured without the default gateway, remote access to the server will not be available, as it will only be accessible from the local network.  

NOTE 2: When manually configuring the TCP / IP settings on a device, make sure that the DHCP pool in the SBG6700-AC doesn't include the IP address of the server. 

NOTE 3: If the firewall is set to High or Medium, the port forwarding feature will be inoperable.  The firewall needs to be set to Low to function.


Creating Port Forwarding Entry

  1. Launch a Firefox or Safari browser.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  

    NOTE: A browser message on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera, may appear when accessing the Web Manager.  The message includes 192.168.01 uses an unsupported protocol and ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH.  The Web Manager uses an earlier version of the TLS protocol and does not match the version allowed by the web browser.  Safari browsers on Apple PC and mobile devices are not impacted.  The workaround to access the Web Manager with a PC is to use the Firefox browser and set the TLS version to 1.  For workaround instructions refer to article # 19435 - uses an unsupported protocol. 
  2. A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager.  There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to bypass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.
  3. On the Login page, enter admin or a customized username in the Username field.
  4. Enter password or a customized password in the Password field.

    NOTE: On later versions of the SBG6700-AC, the Wi-Fi Security Key is used as the default admin password printed on the bottom white label.  For assistance with Web Manager Access, refer to article # 18754 – SBG6700-AC: Web Manager Access.

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  5. Click the Login button.  The Home page will appear.  

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  6. Move the mouse cursor over the Advanced tab and select the Port Forwarding sub-link.  The Advanced - Port Forwarding page will appear.

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  7. On the Advanced - Port Forwarding page:
    a.   External IP Address & Start/End Port - Leave at  This will allow incoming traffic on the specified ports from any remote IP address.  This is sufficient for most setups.  Then enter the desired port number and re-enter the desired port number.  

    NOTE 1:  If it is desired to allow incoming traffic on the specified ports from only one remote IP address, enter that IP address for the External IP.

    NOTE 2: If it is desired to forward a range of ports, enter the first number of the range for the Start Port, and the last number of the range for the End Port.  

    b.   Local IP Address & Start/End Port - Enter the IP address of the device.  Then enter the desired port number and re-enter the desired port number.  

    NOTE: If it is desired to forward a range of ports, enter the first number of the range for the Local Start Port, and the last number of the range for the Local End Port.  

    c.   Description -  Enter a desired name.
    d.   Protocol - Click on the drop-down menu and select the appropriate protocol (TCP, UDP, or Both).
    e.   Enabled - Click on the drop-down menu and select On.
    f.   Click the Apply button.  

    NOTE: A restart is not required, as the settings will immediately go into effect.  

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Enabling Commonly Forwarded Ports

  1. Launch a Firefox or Safari browser.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  

    NOTE: A browser message on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera, may appear when accessing the Web Manager.  The message includes 192.168.01 uses an unsupported protocol and ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH.  The Web Manager uses an earlier version of the TLS protocol and does not match the version allowed by the web browser.  Safari browsers on Apple PC and mobile devices are not impacted.  The workaround to access the Web Manager with a PC is to use the Firefox browser and set the TLS version to 1.  For workaround instructions refer to article # 19435 - uses an unsupported protocol. 
  2. A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager.  There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to bypass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.
  3. On the Login page, enter admin or a customized username in the Username field.
  4. Enter password or a customized password in the Password field.

    NOTE: On later versions of the SBG6700-AC, the Wi-Fi Security Key is used as the default admin password printed on the bottom white label.  For assistance with Web Manager Access, refer to article # 18754 – SBG6700-AC: Web Manager Access.

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  5. Click the Login button.  The Home page will appear.  

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  6. Move the mouse cursor over the Advanced tab and select the Port Forwarding sub-link.  The Advanced - Port Forwarding page will appear.

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  7. On the Advanced - Port Forwarding page:
    a.  External IP Address & Start/End Port - Leave at  This will allow incoming traffic on the specified ports from any remote IP address.  This is sufficient for most setups.
    b.  Local IP Address & Start/End Port - Enter the IP address of the device.
    c.  Commonly Forwarded Ports - Click the drop-down tab and select the desired service.  This example uses the War of Warcraft as the Commonly Forwarded Ports.  

    NOTE: The options for Start/End Port, Description, and Protocol will auto-populate. 
    d.  Enabled - Click the drop-down tab and select On. 
    e.  Click the Apply button.  

    NOTE: A restart is not required, as the settings will immediately go into effect.  

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