General FAQs: SURFboard Central: Web Manager Access

ARRIS Consumer Care


SURFboard Central: Web Manager Access

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How do I access the Web Manager?
NOTE: This article applies to the SURFboard Wi-Fi Cable Modems (G18, G20, G34, G36, G54, SBG10, SBG6950AC2, SBG7400AC2, SBG7580-AC, SBG7600AC2, SBG8300).

An ARRIS account email address is created when the SURFboard Central app is used for the first time.  
It is required to register an ARRIS account with email address when setting up the SURFboard Central app with SURFboard Gateway.  The ARRIS account password is setup automatically when the SURFboard Central app is onboarded.  This document describes how to locate the login credentials for the Web Manager access. 

Locate Login Credentials for Web Manager Access
  1. Tap the Menu bar link on the top-left screen.

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  2. Tap the Access Web Interface box.

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  3. The Web Manager Login credentials are displayed next to the username and password fields.  Tap the Copy button to copy the password. 
  4. Tap the Launch Web GUI button. The mobile device will open a new screen in the browser.  The http:// Redirect page will appear for the SURFboard Gateways (G34, G36, SBG8300), otherwise click here to proceed to the next step.

    NOTE: The (G34, G36, SBG8300) login is the email address that was used to set up the SURFboard Central app or the (SBG10, SBG6950AC2, SBG7580-AC, SBG7400AC2, SBG7600AC2) login is admin and the unique password that is on the Web GUI Access screen.  The displayed password is case sensitive. 

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  5. On the https:// Redirect screen, tap the proceed button.

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    NOTE: A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager.  There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to by-pass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.
  6. On the Login screen, enter the email address used to setup the SURFboard Central app in the Email Address field or admin is auto populated in the Username field.
  7. Enter the SURFboard Central password from the Web GUI Access screen into the Password field.  The password is case sensitive.
  8. Click the Login or Apply button.  The Gateway > Summary or System Basic Setup page will appear.

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