Consumers - SVG2482AC: Parental Control Block Internet Access

ARRIS Consumer Care


SVG2482AC: Parental Control Block Internet Access

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How do I block Internet access in my SVG2482AC Gateway?
The SVG2482AC Parental Controls feature provides the ability to block Internet access to client devices in the home network.  Internet access is blocked by setting up one of the two Access types:
  • Allow All - Allow all client devices access to the Internet and add client devices to block access.
  • Block All - Block all client devices access to the Internet and add client devices to allow access.
The client devices can also be managed for time of day to be blocked.  By default, Parental Controls is disabled, which allows all Internet access to all the client devices.  This document contains the following sections:
Allow All Access Type Setup
When the Allow All access type is selected, all client devices have access to the Internet.  Client devices in the home network can be added to block Internet access.  This is the recommended setup, as client devices will only need to be added to block Internet access when needed.  
  1. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  The Login page will appear.
  2. On the Login page, enter admin in the Username field.
  3. Enter password in the Password field then click the Login button.  The Gateway > At a Glance page will appear.

    NOTE: A prompt to change the password appears when the SVG2482AC is using the default password.  To change the password click the OK button or click the Cancel button to bypass it.​

  4. On the left-hand menu, click on the Parental Control link.  The Parental Control > Managed Sites page will appear.
  5. Click the Managed Devices sub-menu.  The Parental Control > Manage Devices page will appear.  
  6. Click the Enable box for the Managed Device option, then click the Allow All box for the Access Type option.
  7. Click the +Add Blocked Device button for Blocked Devices.   The Parental Control > Managed Sites > Add Blocked Keyword page will appear.   

  8. On the Parental Control > Managed Sites > Add Blocked Device page, locate and select the client to block Internet access under the Auto-Learned Devices section.

    NOTE: Clients that are offline will not appear in the Auto-Learned Device section.
    • If the client is offline, click the Custom Device radio button, then enter a name in the Computer Name field.  Obtain the MAC Address on the network information of the client and enter it into the MAC Address field.
  9. ​Click the No button for the Always Block? option to setup specific time or day to block access.

    NOTE: To always block access, leave the default setting to Yes and proceed to step 13.
  10. Click the Start from drop-down menus to select the start time.
  11. Click the End on drop-down menus to select the end time.
  12. Click the days for the Set Blocked Days option.
  13. Click the Save button.  Settings will take effective immediately.  The Parental Control > Managed Devices page will appear. ​

  14. The blocked device entry will appear below the Blocked Devices section.  To add additional devices to be blocked, repeat steps 7 - 13.


Block All Access Setup
When the Block All access type is selected, all client devices are blocked from Internet access.  Existing client devices in the home network can be added to allow Internet access.  For each new client device that connects to the home network, the client device will need to be added to allow access.  
  1. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  The Login page will appear.
  2. On the Login page, enter admin in the Username field.
  3. Enter password in the Password field then click the Login button.  The Gateway > At a Glance page will appear.

    NOTE: A prompt to change the password appears when the SVG2482AC is using the default password.  To change the password click the OK button or click the Cancel button to bypass it.​

  4. On the left-hand menu, click on the Parental Control link.  The Parental Control > Managed Sites page will appear.
  5. Click the Managed Devices sub-menu.  The Parental Control > Manage Devices page will appear.  
  6. Click the Enable box for the Managed Device option, then click the Block All box for the Access Type option.
  7. Click the +Add Allowed Device button for Allowed Devices.   The Parental Control > Managed Sites > Add Allowed Device page will appear.   

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  8. On the Parental Control > Managed Sites > Add Allowed Device page, locate and select the client to allow Internet access under the Auto-Learned Devices section.

    NOTE: Clients that are offline will not appear in the Auto-Learned Device section.
    • If the client is offline, click the Custom Device radio button then enter a name in the Computer Name field.  Obtain the MAC Address on the network information of the client and enter it into the MAC Address field.
  9. ​Click the No button for the Always Allow? option to setup specific time or day to allow access.

    NOTE: To always allow access, leave the default setting to Yes  and proceed to step 13.
  10. Click the Start from drop-down menus to select the start time.
  11. Click the End on drop-down menus to select the end time.
  12. Click the days for the Set Allowed Days option.
  13. Click the Save button.  Settings will take effective immediately.  The Parental Control > Managed Devices page will appear. ​

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  14. The allowed device entry will appear below the Allowed Devices section.  To add additional devices to be allowed, repeat steps 7 - 13.

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Remove Allowed or Blocked Client Devices
  1. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  The Login page will appear.
  2. On the Login page, enter admin in the Username field.
  3. Enter password in the Password field then click the Login button.  The Gateway > At a Glance page will appear.

    NOTE: A prompt to change the password appears when the SVG2482AC is using the default password.  To change the password click the OK button or click the Cancel button to bypass it.​

  4. On the left-hand menu, click on the Parental Control link.  The Parental Control > Managed Sites page will appear.
  5. Click the Managed Devices sub-menu.  The Parental Control > Manage Devices page will appear.  
  6. Depending on the Access Type setup:
    • ​​Click the Allow All Access Type button then click the X button to remove the blocked access on client device under the Blocked Devices section.
    • Click the Block All Access Type button then click the X button to remove the allowed access on client device under the Allowed Devices section.

  7. A pop-up message box will appear, click the OK button to continue.  The Parental Control > Managed Devices page will appear.

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  8. The client device is now removed.  To remove additional client devices, repeat steps 6 - 8.

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Disable Managed Devices
  1. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  The Login page will appear.
  2. On the Login page, enter admin in the Username field.
  3. Enter password in the Password field then click the Login button.  The Gateway > At a Glance page will appear.

    NOTE: A prompt to change the password appears when the SVG2482AC is using the default password.  To change the password click the OK button or click the Cancel button to bypass it.​

  4. On the left-hand menu, click on the Parental Control link.  The Parental Control > Managed Sites page will appear.
  5. Click the Managed Devices sub-menu.  The Parental Control > Manage Devices page will appear.  
  6. Click the Disable button for the Managed Devices option.  Changes take effect immediately.

    NOTE: Depending on the Access Type setup, any clients that are not removed will be grayed out and retained in the Blocked or Allowed Devices list. 

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