Consumers - mAX Routers: Parental Control Setup

ARRIS Consumer Care


mAX Routers: Parental Control Setup

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How do I setup Parental Control using the mAX Router?

NOTE: This article applies to the mAX WC4S, WC4T, W21, W121, W122 Express, W30, W130, W31, W133, W61, and the W161 Routers.

The mAX router's Parental Control feature restricts network access to client devices (e.g. computer, gaming console, tablet) in the home network.  Parental Control profiles must be created to associate one or more client devices and set up time schedule to access the Internet.  Internet access by client devices can be restricted to certain times of the day and certain days of the week.  By default, Parental Control is disabled, which allows access to the Internet to all of the devices at all times. This document contains the following sections:

Verify Time Zone
  1. Tap the My Network icon at the bottom of the screen.

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  2. Tap the Network Management box.

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  3. Tab the Network Settings + button to expand the card, then scroll down to the Time Zone section to verify the current Time Zone.
  4. If the Time Zone is not current, tap the Time Zone link.

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  5. Select your current Time Zone and then tap the Save Changes button.

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User Profile Setup
  1. Tap the My Experiences box on the Home screen.

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  2. Tap the Parental Control box.

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  3. Swipe the Enable Parental Control slider to the right to enable Parental Control.
  4. Tap the + Add Profile link.

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  5. Enter a name in the Profile Name field, then tap the Create Profile button.

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  6. The user profile is created.  Tap the user name to add a device. 

    NOTE 1: To create additional user profiles, repeat steps 4 - 5.

    NOTE 2: To remove the user profile, swipe the user name to the left.  Tap the Delete button, then tap the OK button on the Alert box.

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  7. Tap the + Add Device link. 

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  8. The device list is populated by clients connected to the mAX network.   Tap the device/devices to associate with the user profile, then tap the Add Device button.

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  9. The Associated Devices are shown for the user profile.  Tap the + Add Rule link.

    NOTE: To remove the associated device, tap the + to expand the card then swipe the device to the left.  Tap the Delete button, then tap the OK button on the Alert box.

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  10. Tap the Add Time Schedule button.

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  11. Under the Select Schedule Days section, leave at default Every Day or tap Custom to select the day/days to block Internet access.
  12. Tap the Start Time Add link to select the start time. 

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  13. Scroll to the start time to block Internet access, then tap the Done button.

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  14. Tap the End Time Add link to select the end time. 

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  15. Scroll to the end time to allow Internet access, then tap the Done button.

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  16. Tap the Save Changes button.

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  17. The associated time rule is created as shown below.  Tap the back button to return to the profile screen.

    NOTE: To associate additional time rules tap the Add Time Schedule button and repeat steps 11 - 16.

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  18. The associated time rule is also shown under the Associated Rules section. 

    NOTE 1: To disable the time rule, tap the slider button.

    NOTE 2: To remove the time rule, swipe the time rule to the left.  Tap the Delete button, then tap the OK button on the Alert box.  

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Currently Blocked List
Tap the Currently Blocked tab in the Parental Control screen to view Parental Control profiles that have time rules applied. 

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